
For a long time, I have pictured my journey with God like a sailboat, sailing away across the ocean, being guided by the wind. I've always loved the picture of God like the Captain of my boat (life) and the Holy Spirit, the wind blowing in my sails (heart).


I can envision all the adventures, calm waters, and storms as my little sailboat travels through the waters, guided by The One who knows where the wind goes. He can adjust my sails according to where He knows the best direction is. He knows my destiny; He knows my journey.

He is the compass, and He knows where my North is.

There are days when we adventure through very familiar waters and some days He pushes me through unknown ones. But He is continually moving me through open seas, aligning my journey according to His Word.

His voice is like a compass pointing in the right direction.

Sometimes, life feels quite lost. It feels like my sails are being shaken by the crazy storms, and they might break. He adjusts my heart as He does to the sails and strengthens it. He fixes it when needed.

Other times, it feels so quiet and calm that I just enjoy the beautiful view and the journey, and all of a sudden, it's like the waves and storms don't matter.

Since the moment I left the "shore" to be guided by Him towards the uncertain, towards lands that I've never seen, through moments when my heart asks, "Is there more than my eyes can see?" He is there, maybe quiet or asleep in the back of the boat, but never leaving me alone. Never leaving my boat adrift.

Amid either chaos or quietness, my Captain never loses track; He knows where He wants to take me.

The Wind will continue to blow in my sails, and my boat will continue to move through a life of adventures with The One who guides it.

For you:

Your story and journey with God matter! I want to encourage you today to write your story! Use a notebook, a computer or your phone notes (the best one always ha!) and create a picture that describes it. Like mine and the sailboat, I am sure you have something that you feel like it describes your journey. A visual representation of it always helps us to give names to seasons and moments. If you are a visual person like I am… you will really appreciate this exercise.




Experiencing God